Cloud – Infant
(8 weeks – 12 months)
Number of children: 6
Classroom staff: 2
In the Cloud room teachers follow the lead of the infant for determining the schedule of their day. Bottles, naps, and playtime are planned around each child’s needs. As the babies get a little older this becomes more predictable, and they work out a rhythm for their day. Children sleep on individual mattresses on the floor which allows them more freedom of movement. As children become ready for solid food, they join their peers at a table for meals. Cloud room has its own outdoor deck so during the nicer weather children may explore and play outside.
Sunshine – Toddler
(12 – 24 months)
Number of children: 8
Classroom staff: 2
Our Sunshine room welcomes our little students that are becoming more mobile and independent. The schedule is more set for meals and naps. Knowing that children this age are learning the basic skills of daily life, much of their day (curriculum) is involved in teaching these skills and supporting the efforts of the children as they try them out. They learn to take off their shoes and socks, put them away and hang up their own coats. Helping to keep the classroom clean by putting away toys, wiping the tables and packing up their things to take home are favorite activities. The Sunshine students love testing their new skills outside and a large part of the day is dedicated to outdoor play. Meals are served at a toddler-size table and the children help by putting their dishes away when they are finished.
Rainbow – Young Preschool
(2 – 3 years)
Number of students: 10
Classroom staff: 2
The Rainbow students are now all mobile and independent. They are working on growing their language and social skills. As children are engaging in play (indoors and out) the teachers are supporting their language development and social skills. Art activities allow them to develop fine motor skills while enjoying a fun, sensory experience. As children show readiness, the teachers and families work together to support toilet training.
Star – Preschool
(2.5 – 4 years)
Number of students: 14
Classroom staff: 2
Children in the Star classroom are working on cooperative play and truly engaging with their peers. Learning social and emotional skills are a large part of their day as they engage in free-play activities. They are also beginning to work on learning their colors, shapes, and letters during activities integrated into the day. This is a very active age so lots of outdoor “big body” play is included where they are able to use all that energy in a fun way.
Rocket – Pre-K
(3.5 – 5 years)
Number of students: 17
Classroom staff: 2
As the children reach the Rocket room, they are ready for more challenges and have many more questions about things that they want to learn. As the teachers provide opportunities for the children to find answers to their questions, they incorporate times for the children to work on basic skills that will help prepare them for school beyond our doors. Writing, language, and math activities are provided for the children to build these skills. Art is always popular in this age group as is lots of outdoor time.